
Flexible SDK for the Airtable API for PHP.

View the Project on GitHub Beachcasts/airtable-sdk-php

Getting Started
Client Connection

Getting Started

The first think you will need to do it create an Airtable account.

At the time of this writing, the Airtable API doesn’t include functionality for creating a Base. Therefore, this SDK assumes you have already created a Base using the web-based gui.

Likewise, the Airtable API doesn’t support the creation of a Table within the Base. Nor does it have functionality to create a View within a Table. So you will need to get your structure in place prior to using the API, or this SDK.

If Airtable adds this support to the API in the future, please let us know, so we can add it to the SDK.


We recommend you install this SDK using Composer. This allows dependencies to be easily loaded, and also enables PSR-4 style autoloading of the classes.


The Install

Using the terminal of your choice, issue the following command from within your application. (The command below assumes Linux OS.)

$ composer require beachcasts/airtable-sdk-php


After installation, there are some configuration choices to make. We recommend you store credentials in the environment by loading the .env file using something like Vlucas/phpdotenv. However, you can just as easily inject the credentials into the AirtableClient on instantiation.

Next Steps

Please use any of the links in the sidebar, or continue to Connection.